Transition Pathways Co-Op Spotlight: Samia

Image of Samia wearing a graduation cap and gown

July 15, 2024

Transition Pathways at the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute is proud to partner with the Americorps co-op program at Drexel University. The co-op students gain valuable skills that will benefit them in their future careers.

AmeriCorps is a hub of national volunteer service programs. Offered through Drexel’s Lindy Center for Civic Engagement, AmeriCorps students work in nonprofit units as part of their co-op experience, gaining valuable skills during their six months of service. Samia was one of the Transition Pathways’ first co-ops, and recently graduated from Drexel University in June. Samia’s kindness, passion, and patience made her an invaluable part of the Transition Pathway’s team. Wherever her journey takes her, it is certain that she will continue to make a profound impact!

Samia reflected on her co-op experience with the Transition Pathways team:

As a Public Health student at Drexel University, one of the first foundational tenants of public health I learned was the social determinants of health, which encapsulates the different social, economic, and environmental factors that affect our health. Therefore, going into applying for co-op, I was looking for the opportunity to address some of these issues and work within communities to improve the outcomes of health and well-being.

The opportunity to serve with AmeriCorps seemed like the best fit for me due to the opportunity to work within the community and be part of a larger service organization known for making positive material impacts on different areas of the country. Once I joined AmeriCorps, I was placed at with Transition Pathways at the A.J Drexel Autism Institute, where I completed my service term of six months from April to September of 2023.

During this time, I mainly worked with the Drexel Business Inclusion Center Hub, which operates out of the Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships. This program’s goal is to address barriers to employment in Philadelphia through providing individualized support in building job readiness skills and seeking employment. My participation in this program has helped me to develop professional skills, including professional communication, collaboration, and time management. Working with participants also built my confidence as a professional and helped me to validate my passion for community engagement.

One of my favorite moments from my service term was witnessing one of the participants I worked closely with get hired at a Business Inclusion Center hiring event. Seeing my and my team’s work come to fruition to help an individual solidified my passion for community service and my desire to continue working in social services.

Moving forward in my career, I am grateful to be taking with me the knowledge and experience of working in a nonprofit, engaging with community resources, and the exposure to issues in the Philadelphia community that I had not considered previously. Transition Pathways has allowed me to build a foundation of skills and experience by which I hope to launch my career.

Transition Pathways provides experiential learning to students with autism and/or intellectual disabilities with a goal of sustainable, competitive employment in the community. Keep in touch!